Monday, December 30, 2019
Essay on Computer Crime Technology and Cyberspace
A major part of the world today revolves around technology and cyberspace. Almost every day one will use a type of computer in some way, whether it is work related or if it is for personal use such as social networking. Another thing occurring on a daily basis is criminals committing either trivial or major crimes; so it is not hard to imagine that these two actions would start to syndicate into one. Cyber-crime is defined as â€Å"unauthorized use of a computer for personal gain†(, but the true depth of the definition is so much deeper. Anyone can be affected by cyber-crime, it can affect personal computer users all the way to massive corporations. There are many government agencies trying to get control of this growing†¦show more content†¦When one is browsing the internet, he or she should be aware of which types of websites are popular for cyber-crimes. Three of the main threats come from websites where things are purchased and sold, social media w ebsites, and email websites. The first two mentioned involve a combination of crimes coming from unauthorized access to computer systems or networks and theft of information contained in electronic form (Dashora 245). Email websites are targeted in more ways though. Many cyber-criminals will attack one through his or her email. A few ways they can do this are email bombing, virus/ worm attacks, and Trojan attacks. Email bombing is when the criminal sends a massive amount of emails to the target, and the end result is his or her computer crashing (Dashora 245). Viruses and Trojan attacks are ones that attach to a file the user thinks is safe, and after the user opens the file the virus or Trojan goes on to destroy the computer (Dashora 245). All of these types of crime are very well hidden, and computer users need to be aware of what is out there so they can remain protected. The other type of cyber-crime is cyber-victimization. Cyber-victimization includes anything from cyber-bullin g all the way to cyber-stalking. Many of the criminals involved in this type of crime are ones which the victim most likely knows, but since it is over the internet the victim is unaware because it can be done anonymously (Gradinger 229). The ways one can go about stoppingShow MoreRelatedCyber Threat, Its Scope And Its Impact On National Security991 Words  | 4 PagesCyberspace which is an offshoot for the development of computer and digital communication technologies, has in recent decades become part and parcel of our daily lives. It has become an ideal source for cyber criminals to remain active while preying on victims. Higher the number of cyberspace users’, higher is the opportunities for exploitation. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019
Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Essay - 2188 Words
Copyright vs. the Right to Copy Todays digital technology and the computer have changed how the average consumer can acquire information and entertainment. No longer do we have to wait for the CD to hear a new song, or the release date to watch a movie. The technology is available on our home computers. But is this an infringement on copyright? What about the rights of artists, authors, producers, or actors? Has our technology progressed so far that it infringes on these peoples livings? It is only a matter of time before laws are passed regarding Internet use. Are we ready to give up the freedom we have had up to this point? In her essay The Digital Rights War, Pamela Samuelson states that The new future of technically protected†¦show more content†¦The Mp3 player is digital and will hold a certain number of songs on a chip inside it. When the chip is full you can buy a new one or record over the old one. Sony just came out with a product called The Memory Stick this year. They plan to use it with their MP3 players as well as digital cameras, and other products in the future. It is a memory chip that is compatible between the products, so you only need one format of memory if you use their products. The CD Rom and CD Rom-rewritable are also popular products. These hook up to your computer and allow you to copy files or anything you want off your computer. According to Pamela Samuelson the possibility exists that all this could soon change. In her essay, she refers to a white paper that was issued by the Clinton administration in 1995. I did some further research on this white paper and found a summary on line. It is actually a report on Intellectual Property rights written by the Information Infrastructure Task Force. Basically there is a committee appointed by the White House that is looking into fairly regulating the balance between artists rights and the consumer. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019
Succubus Heat CHAPTER 13 Free Essays
string(51) " go ask Erik if you’re too nervous about it\." Hearing Cedric assure me I couldn’t die lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. I left the Cellar with much less anxiety, though I still had no intention of doing anything that might test how exactly we’d heal from decapitation. So, while I still operated with caution, I no longer felt suffocated or threatened by every aspect of the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus Heat CHAPTER 13 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Rather than go home, I drove down to Dante’s shop. His store/apartment was in Rainier Valley, on the southeast side of Seattle. He had no regularly posted hours for his assorted â€Å"psychic†services, but he would usually hang around there at night if he had nothing else to do. It tended to be the time drunk people or couples out on dates (or high teens) would wander in looking for fun and novelty. Daytime business hours didn’t generally bring out that many who were seeking help from the divine unless, perhaps, it was someone seeking advice on stock trading. Dante had no customers tonight, however. The shop and its flickering neon sign seemed sad and lonely. I pushed through the unlocked door and found him leaning against the checkout counter, leafing through a copy of Maxim . â€Å"What gives?†I asked. â€Å"Your subscription to Frauds and Scams Weekly run out?†He glanced up at me with a smile, flipping black hair out of his face. â€Å"Just needed something pretty to look at since I didn’t know when I’d be seeing you again.†I planted a kiss on his cheek. â€Å"Holy shit. That’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.†â€Å"Yeah, well, I can make some filthy sexual suggestions to you if you’d prefer.†â€Å"What, and ruin foreplay for next time?†This made his grin grow, and he shut the magazine. â€Å"To what do I owe the pleasure? Shouldn’t you be visiting our neighbors to the north? Or is that done? I honestly can’t keep track.†â€Å"Well. About that.†God, how I was going to explain what had happened? Had all of this seriously happened in just one day? It felt like a year had gone by since I got woozy in the car. â€Å"Something strange happened today.†â€Å"Strange like you sold out of Jane Austen books at the store or strange like the rules of time and space as we know them are about to be ripped apart?†â€Å"Mmm†¦more like that last one.†â€Å"Shit.†I took a deep breath, figuring I should just get the big stuff out of the way. â€Å"There’s no easy way to put this, but†¦I’m not a succubus anymore.†â€Å"I never believed you were a succubus.†I groaned. That had been an old joke between us when we’d first met. Oh, the irony. â€Å"I’m serious,†I said. â€Å"No more succubus. And Jerome’s disappeared too, possibly opening up Seattle to a new demonic reign.†Dante stared at me, eyes speculative as he assessed me for the truth. He was speechless for the first time I’d known him. Not waiting for more witty commentary, I plunged forward. I explained about the summoning, what it had done to all of us lesser immortals, how demons everywhere were now sizing up Seattle, and why I needed to find Jerome as soon as possible. When I finally finished, it took Dante several moments to gather his thoughts. â€Å"So†¦you’ve seriously lost your succubus powers?†â€Å"Abilities,†I corrected. â€Å"And yes, I have. Are you saying that after all that other stuff I just told you about the balance of power in Seattle, my succubus status is what caught your attention the most?†He shrugged. â€Å"You gotta admit it’s weird. Besides, that other stuff doesn’t affect me. You do.†His eyes narrowed. â€Å"Am I going to have to use a condom now?†â€Å"What? No. Of course not.†â€Å"You sure?†â€Å"You’ve never batted an eye over me stealing pieces of your soul these last few months, but the nonexistent threat of child support suddenly scares you?†â€Å"Well, yeah, seeing as my bank account’s got more in it than my soul.†I glanced around the shabby room. â€Å"Debatable.†â€Å"Cute,†he conceded. â€Å"But I’d be asking a few more questions about all of this if I were you. Like, can you die?†â€Å"I already asked that one,†I said smugly. â€Å"And the answer is no. Our immortal bodies are still essentially the same. We’re just cut off from all the perks.†I hoped he didn’t ask about decapitation because I honestly wasn’t in the mood to debate that. â€Å"Okay, so what do you want from me?†he asked. â€Å"What makes you think I want anything?†He looked at me. â€Å"Okay, maybe I do want something. But come on, who else would know more about this stuff than you?†â€Å"Who knows more about demons? Hmm, let me think. I know. How about the demons you work for , the ones who are all-powerful and have been around since the beginning of time?†â€Å"They’re not all-powerful. Otherwise they wouldn’t need a human for the summoning-or end up getting summoned in the first place. And that’s what I need you for. There can’t be that many humans in the area capable of doing this, are there? You have to know who they are.†Dante opened his mouth, no doubt with a snappy reply ready, and then abruptly closed it. â€Å"I don’t know,†he said slowly. â€Å"I don’t keep track of those things.†I leaned toward him, incredulous. â€Å"Of course you do! Do you not want to tell me? Why?†He sighed, his hesitant expression turning typically annoyed. â€Å"Because those kinds of people get pissed off if you start advertising their names.†â€Å"What, you’re afraid they’re going to come beat you up?†â€Å"No. Not exactly. But there’s sort of†¦a professional courtesy in these circles.†â€Å"I’ll be discreet. I won’t tell them where I got the information.†â€Å"Most of them already know we’re together. They’d figure it out. They keep an eye on those kinds of things.†He turned considering. â€Å"Of course, in that same vein, a lot of them know you as a succubus and might just think you knew through your own connections.†He still seemed hesitant, so I played a mean card. â€Å"Well, I can always go ask Erik if you’re too nervous about it. You read "Succubus Heat CHAPTER 13" in category "Essay examples"†Erik was another mortal in town who dealt with the occult and paranormal. Unlike Dante, who was a practitioner, Erik simply studied and built up knowledge of the magical undercurrents in the city. He had a psychic’s gifts and was attuned to what most human eyes didn’t see. Sometimes he could even see what immortals couldn’t. He and Dante had an old, old grudge and didn’t enjoy being around each other, to put it mildly. My attempt to bait Dante didn’t work, though. â€Å"Don’t even try it, succubus. Making me jealous of the old man won’t make me help you.†I looked up at him pleadingly. â€Å"What will make you help me?†He traced the outline of my lips with his fingertip, gray eyes wicked and thoughtful. â€Å"Not sure it’s anything you can do while cut off from your super-secret powers. You’re not a sex goddess anymore.†â€Å"Hey, I don’t need super-secret powers to be a sex goddess.†Just then, three twentysomethings stumbled in, staring wide-eyed at the shop as they tried to stifle nervous giggles. They undoubtedly had the same kind of potential that high teens did. I gave Dante one last frantic plea. â€Å"Please? Just give me the names. You don’t have to do anything else. And I won’t say anything. I swear it.†Dante scowled, glanced at me, at the potential customers, and then back at me. He told them he’d be with them in a minute and then hastily jotted four names down on a scrap of paper. Two of them I recognized. â€Å"Thank you,†I said. I beamed, and to my surprise, something in his cynical expression softened a little. â€Å"God, that smile,†he muttered. â€Å"You might just be right.†â€Å"About what?†â€Å"You really don’t need any powers to be a sex goddess. Your hair’s a little messy, though.†He walked around the counter and gave me a quick half-hug. â€Å"Be safe, succubus. Don’t test the limits of that not-dying thing.†â€Å"And buy some condoms?†I teased. He shrugged. â€Å"You’re the one who was having prophetic dreams about having kids a little while ago.†Turning away from me, he put on his jovial con-man persona and beckoned the group over with pitches about palms and Tarot. He’d spoken the words in a light, off-hand kind of way, but as I slowly walked back to my car, they slapped me in the face. Prophetic dreams†¦ Nyx’s dreams. The things she’d shown me during that time had been so vivid that they seemed almost more real than my own life. The thing is, by almost all accounts, Nyx had a grasp on the future and could show people things that would happen to them. That was how she spread chaos in the world, by showing people these visions and making them think they knew how their futures would unfold. Unfortunately, while the visions came true, they never came true the way their victims thought they would. She’d led a lot of people to their deaths that way. Nonetheless, it seemed fairly clear that the dreams she’d sent to me had been distractions, not destructive images of what would come. In my visions, she’d shown me-over and over-with a daughter, waiting for a man I loved to come home. The dreams had consumed me, almost making me want to sleep and have my energy taken each night. As I’d noted while holding Kayla, there was no way any piece of the vision could ever happen to me. I couldn’t have any sort of relationship like that. And I certainly couldn’t have a daughter, not of my own blood. Immortals didn’t reproduce. When I’d sold my soul for immortality and shape-shifting, I’d given up certain aspects of my humanity. There could be no child for me. Not ever. And yet†¦ I came to a stop on the sidewalk, still about a block away from my car. What if Dante had inadvertently stumbled onto something? What if being in this stasis had altered that piece of me that had lost the ability to conceive? Cedric had said I was still technically immortal, but he’d also said my body would respond and heal like a human’s. What all did that entail? Would unprotected sex lead to conception? Is that what Nyx’s visions had been pointing to? She’d sworn she’d shown me the truth. Had she? I was breathing fast again, though at least this time, I knew I didn’t have to worry about giving myself a heart attack. Okay. I needed to calm down. This pregnancy possibility was as distracting as the hooking-up-with-Seth possibility. I’d never get anything accomplished if I lost myself in fantasies. With a sigh, I glanced down at Dante’s piece of paper, now crumpled in my hand. I’d clenched it into a ball without even realizing it as I walked. I’d been too preoccupied to even notice†¦ Babies and Seth. The things I wanted most. I forced myself to keep moving toward my car. But as I unlocked the door, I had to wonder ruefully if maybe I shouldn’t be so quick to get Jerome back after all. I started following up on Dante’s leads the next morning. Leaving my place was a little harder than I’d expected, though. Despite the fact I got ready plenty of mornings without shape-shifting, my closet seemed terribly small. And while my hair seemed fine when I finished it, I had a feeling it’d be frizzy the next time I checked the mirror. The only bright part was when I found Dante’s watch under the bed. I thought I’d lost it yesterday, so at least my accessories collection was still respectable. Nonetheless, I had a feeling I was soon going to discover just how much I’d come to rely on my abilities. Locating addresses from Dante’s list of names required a little sleuthing here and there, but for the most part, I didn’t have much difficulty finding them. Unfortunately, once found, these magicians weren’t exactly helpful. One of the ones I visited knew me. She was familiar with Hell’s local servants, and while she gave me a small degree of respect, she was as hesitant to answer questions as Dante had insinuated. Two of the other names were people who didn’t know me, and that immediately created a problem. With my succubus powers shut off, I had no immortal signature, and both of these people were the types who could sense that. Me coming in and claiming to be a succubus was met with scorn and disbelief. I managed to glean some information from them but nothing of any use. Equally difficult was that not only could they not sense me, I couldn’t sense them. Admittedly, a succubus didn’t have the same ability to gauge human power the way a full-fledged demon could, but I could occasionally sense magic around a person or object. Today, I was completely blind. I had to rely on my strength to read people, but these dark magicians were as good at cons as Dante. They were well-versed in the art of concealing the truth. It was almost noon by the time I visited the last name, a guy named Greg. I felt pretty discouraged by this point and even cracked and had a cigarette along the way. Greg had no storefront like Dante and mostly worked his spells out of his house, a small bungalow in Wallingford. When he answered the door, his disheveled state told me I’d woken him up. On the bright side, he recognized me, which meant I wouldn’t have to convince him I was a succubus. â€Å"What do you want?†he asked suspiciously. He was built big and could have had an impressive physique if he’d ever gone to the gym. It was obvious he hadn’t. â€Å"I wanted to talk to you about demon summoning.†â€Å"I don’t know anything about it.†He started to shut the door. I stuck my foot out to block it. â€Å"Wait. Do you know anyone who would?†â€Å"No. And even if I did, what makes you think I’d tell you?†He tried to close the door again, then paused. He narrowed his already too-small eyes at me. â€Å"There’s something weird about you. No aura.†I didn’t answer right away. â€Å"Maybe you’re losing your touch.†This actually brought a small smile. â€Å"Not likely. What happened? Who got summoned?†â€Å"No one. And even if they did, what makes you think I’d tell you?†I mimicked. He laughed, a guttural sound that came from low in his throat. When the laughter faded, he studied me for several long seconds, face cunning and speculative. â€Å"Okay. I’ll talk to you.†He pushed the door open. â€Å"Come on in.†I gingerly stepped into his living room. The place was a disaster. Dirty dishes were piled on the coffee table, the remains of food hardened and crusty. Dust coated every piece of furniture, and the wood floor looked like it hadn’t been swept since the last century. Uneasily, I wondered if my new humanlike body was susceptible to germs. Several books were piled on the couch, their covers meant to look sinister in shades of black and red with drawings of pentagrams. It put me in mind of Evan’s faux Satanic accoutrements, though as hard as it was to believe, Evan had a thousand times more class than this guy. Greg offered me neither a chair nor refreshments, which was fine by me. He stood in front of me, arms crossed. â€Å"Well? What do you want to know?†â€Å"I want to know if you’ve done any demon summoning lately.†â€Å"Not that any demons have been summoned, of course.†â€Å"This is speculative,†I replied with a simpering smile. I studied as much of his home as I could while I spoke. Beyond him, I could see an equally messy kitchen with a gas stove and magnet-covered refrigerator. â€Å"You think if I’d summoned a demon, I’d be living like this? Fuck, I’d have plasma-screen TVs and concubines.†I recalled the discussion with my friends, noting that any human who’d summoned Jerome would simply keep the demon hidden and not use it for personal gain and errands. Still, if Greg had summoned Jerome on behalf of another demon, there would have been some reward involved. Maybe it wouldn’t entail TVs or concubines, but it seemed like there’d be some sign of a windfall here. Maybe he’d gotten a Swiss bank account. â€Å"Okay. You know anyone who recently acquired concubines?†â€Å"Nope. But I can give you some names of people who’d be more likely.†He listed two of the magicians I’d already visited. â€Å"I’ve talked to them.†â€Å"Sorry. Not my problem.†My eyes returned to the books on the couch. I stepped toward them. â€Å"May I?†â€Å"Knock yourself out.†I picked up one of the books, skimming through it in hopes of finding information about summoning. Nope. It was fluffy â€Å"evil†stuff, exactly like the Army of Darkness’ propaganda. The second book proved the same. The third, however, was a legitimate spell book, filled with the kind of dark rites Dante practiced. Hopeful, I flipped through the pages one by one. It had some vile contents, but there was nothing about summoning. Greg’s willingness to let me browse the books should have been a tip-off that they contained nothing of use. â€Å"All done?†I jerked around. Greg’s voice was close to me-too close. I’d had my back to him while checking out the books, but now he was right behind me. I took a few steps back and bumped the couch. â€Å"Yeah,†I said nervously. â€Å"Thanks for the help. I should leave now.†â€Å"Not yet,†he said, moving closer. â€Å"You just got here.†I tried to wriggle off to the side, but his hands suddenly reached out and grabbed a hold of my arms, pinning me into place. â€Å"What are you doing?†I demanded. There went my heart rate again. â€Å"I don’t know what’s going on with all this summoning stuff, but I do know there’s a succubus here who doesn’t feel like a succubus anymore, which probably means you can’t fight like one.†I tried to break from his grasp, but his hands were like steel. â€Å"You’re crazy. Of course I’m a succubus. You know I am.†â€Å"Yeah? Then shape-shift away from me. Turn into a bird. Turn into a bodybuilder.†I clenched my teeth and tried to shake his hold again. â€Å"Let me go, you son of a bitch. You hurt me, and a whole host of demons are going to show up and rip you limb from limb.†â€Å"Not so sure about that,†he chuckled. â€Å"This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. You think any succubus would fuck someone like me?†He shoved me down onto the couch, one strong arm pinning me in place while the other hand fumbled awkwardly under my shirt and grabbed a hold of my breast. Moving his head close, he tried to press his lips against mine, but I turned my head just in time. â€Å"Let me go!†I screamed. I managed to wriggle a leg free and knee him in the gut. It wasn’t enough to free me, but it made him scowl. I’d worried about getting hit by cars, meteors, and structurally unsound overpasses. Never, never had I thought about being raped. It hadn’t been a fear of mine for centuries, not since I realized I could shape-shift into someone larger and stronger, someone capable of throwing off any assailant. Maybe it shouldn’t have bothered me so much. I’d had sex with plenty of people I didn’t like over the years. I’d always grimaced and waited it out. But there was something about this that was different. It wasn’t my choice, and compounding it all was the feeling of helplessness I had. I hated not having options. I hated not being able to think my way out of something. There was nothing to be done, though. Not this time. The most I could do was keep struggling and flailing. I did have some self-defense training, after all. I’d learned to use weapons and punch over the years. I’d nailed Niphon pretty good at Christmas. Unfortunately, what I could do now was limited with Greg on me like this. He simply outweighed me. Still, my efforts must have proven annoying because Greg growled and grabbed both my arms in an attempt to flip me over. I yelled profanities at him and got another knee-jab in, close to his groin but not close enough. And that’s when it happened. The smell hit me first. An overwhelming and suffocating odor of natural gas. I stopped struggling for half a second. I didn’t need to be human to know that meant trouble. Before I could process that further, the kitchen exploded into flames. Fire expanded out into the living room. It didn’t quite reach us, but I think Greg must have still gotten burned because he screamed in pain and released his hold on me. His body had shielded the worst from me, and mostly all I felt was a rolling wave of heat and air. I didn’t bother to think or question anything. Greg had released me in his confusion, and I bolted. I scrambled from the couch and ran out the front door, away from the fire. Away from Greg. I drove off as fast as I could, my Passat’s tires squealing on the pavement. Sweat poured off me, and my hands could barely grip the steering wheel through their shaking. About a mile away, I heard the singing of sirens, but I couldn’t spare a thought for what had happened. I couldn’t think about whether Greg had made it out or not. I couldn’t think about how a gas leak had miraculously saved me. The only thing I could think about now was getting away and getting to safety. How to cite Succubus Heat CHAPTER 13, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication - MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. Answer: Introduction This report is prepared on the topic-effective communication and it is an important point as through effective communication message can be delivered by anyone and can be induced and message can be delivered to other to inform them. Importance is given to the communication skills and the skills must be improved at a better level so this will help in personal and professional. By this process, communication silks can be improved. In addition to this by the support of five diagnostic tools analysis the communication skills and also try to found the two error by which the progress of the communication skills are limit and the due to this reasons not having the confidence while giving the presentations and the interviews and due to this not having the confidence of express the thoughts. In addition to this with the help of literature review, it gives the full knowledge so with the support of the knowledge communication skills can be improved. In this report with the help of action plan, some actions can occur such as taking the short course, with the help of mentor communication skills can be improved and by reading the plans. In this report, we will discuss the diagnostic tools such as a - interview skills checklist, Assertiveness questionnaires, Johari window, communication style questionnaire and the interpersonal commutation; with the help of these tools, communication skills can be examined. In addition to this method can be tough for the communication skills related the progress of my strengths and weakness. In the Johari window, different types of communication skills can be directly used. By analysing the communication skills through this technique, I evaluated that I have a better understanding of the verbal and non-verbal communication(Solomon, 2012). Some of the areas are hidden which can be easily known to us and not for others such as having the sharp ability for the emotions based talk that is in their tone. In the blind area quadrant, condition the communication skills, some of these which of not aware of it and the others also not aware of this such as having the capacity of decode the nonv erbal prompt. In this quadrant some of the aspects are unknown and it needs the better skills to improve the communication with the help of the cultural group. In this, the questions raised by this only the communication style of the individual can be improved; and this method is more suitable. In this having the score of 9 out of 18 it makes the leading style. As, some of the people which are amiable have examined themselves such as dependable, agreeable, supportive and respectful by the only individuals can make the concentration in their present( Shultz, 2016). The Amiable people such as me and others may involve personal, friendly, orderly and relaxed by this if an individual may get frustrated or may be confused or not communicate easily in these formal setting such as presentations and interviews. In context to amiable communication skills, the model of this may be not so impressive at a time, it also needs an accurate and up to date work and even the good listener also become harmful. I this Dominant style matches by this only individual can measure the performance. In this report, another method is assertiveness questionnaires this method is mostly used for examining the communication skills of the individual skills. In this scoring, the points 12 out of 15 it may be the passive attitude scale of individual one. In this having any pressure then also the individual may not become the rudely(Russell Cohn, 2012). As a result of it, this type of attitude restricts the valuable the communication skills this mainly useful when while giving the presentation in groups or while communicating with the seniors this method is very effective. Another method is Interpersonal communication it is the most important point in which it noticed that how individual communicated with others. In this, the scoring score of the individual is 71 out of the 90points. By this scoring rate, it can be assumed that how the individual is capable of being a communicator(O'Toole, 2016). The soring rate of 71 is also better an individual has to pay attention to the interpersonal communication skills and also needs the more improvements in their skills. In this training is must need while improving the communication skills. In this Interview skills checklist is a diagnostic tool by which only individual skills can be features at the time of interviews. In addition to this with the help of these diagnostic tools, it is a major aspect it helps in finding out the stressed and the nervousness while facing the interviews even the individual prepared well for the interviews. In this individual may be getting nervous while giving the answers to the qu estions asked in the interviews and even having the full preparation at the time of interview due to this individual may get confused while facing the interviews. In this with the help of these tools individual may solve their issues of communication skills such as difficulties face while expressing their ideas while giving the professional interviews and the presentations even they may be nervous and panic(Barker, 2016). Another reason is the not having them so much confidence while presenting the presentation and also in interviews. In this not having them so much confidence individual has suffered recently while facing the interview. Hai resort located in Hoi an, in Vietnam this is my recent experienced in last year. A call came for an interview even while facing the interview no eye-contact is there also giving the wrong answer to the question asked because of the nervousness and then also clear the interview. In addition to this, the five diagnostic tools revealed the difficulties while facing the interviews is not properly expressing the thoughts or ideas and not having them so much confidence while giving the presentations the result of it turn into the failure. In this by giving the example this problem can be solved out due to not having the confidence is point out in the interview skills checklist reason behind this is no thoughts come out during the interviews due to hurry. Another issue is a problem of communication with other and this problem is solved out by the assertiveness assessments which are known as assertiveness attitude(Hakim, 2016). In this Amiable is not the correct method for controlling the situation no need of rudely. Lack of confidence when communicating others shows the assertiveness attitude such as amicable. Literature Review The most common problem is of effective communication is not having the proper conversation with others persons is due the lack of confidence and also due to language problem, not having ideas to express the thoughts, fear, not having any objectives, nervousness and planning etc. due to these aspects it leads to not having the proper communication skills. In this passive communication, method thoughts are not clearly expressed. In this by using the assertive communication skills can be improved the skills. In this with the help of assertive communication skills can be improved and the individual can easily make the conversations with the parties or with the groups(Kuhnke, 2012). This skill is straightforward while delivering the message. Assertive communication skills method can be used to solve out the issue related to not able to express their ideas and thought while dealing with the parties. The important aspects of the having a good communication are practicing of ideas and thoug hts and make the plans of meetings and also make the plan before the conversation in professional. In this Assertive communication skills is the method which is accepted by the individual and by the others so that proper communications can take place( Northcote, Maria, Gosselin, Kevin P., 2016). This type of attitude is mainly defined as it is open and honest in these peoples easily and with trust can views their thoughts. In this, with the help of this attitude, it can force the people to make a conversation with other and improve the communication while listening. In these skills is very helpful in achieving the objectives with having the improved communication skills. Assertive communication is a process which is defined by the ideas and the thoughts of the members should be clear and make easy to understand by everyone and also clearly defined the message. In this, the conversation should be in good pattern and importance one. The conversation must be fully developed and so that it can easily impress anybody(Kolb, 2014). The quality of interpersonal skills must be meaningful. In this individual have to pay attention that the ideas delivering must be effective full and impress the parties. With the help of skills requirements of the party can be known. In this Interpersonal skills improve only when the communication skills are an effective one. In this relationship can be maintained by using the Interpersonal skills. The best method to make your interpersonal skills more useful by considering that how the other people behave. In addition to this, an individual must have the knowledge of communicating with other people in a proper way this process is known as active listening. In these skills many different skills are explained: -Mentor gives the facility of training to people. -Communications: developed the meaningful ideas for the verbal and non-verbal(Kolb, 2014). -Leadership- Individual has the quality of leadership and having the leadership quality to communicate with others. -Problem-solving: Having the quality of solving the problem such as business and group problem. -Negotiations: Having the agreement when the difference in ideas. -Empathy: In this chance is giving to individual in company, -Teamwork: Work together for achieving the goals. Interpersonal communication is developing day to day the reason behind this is that individual solving their problem of lack of confidence while facing the interviews and presentations and also taking the help of communicators and also improving the skills during communications. In these interpersonal skills, knowledge attracts the audience and it can be dangerous for at a time. In these interpersonal skills is used for cheering the people to understand the process of it(Cicinelli , 2013). The major role is to understand the verbal and non-verbal process so that this helps in improving the presentations and interviews and important is that while giving the presentations must be understandable to parties having the meaningful presentations in front of parties. In this, it has been mention that should have the confidence while having the conversation with the audience and communicators should have the confidence of what message they are giving must be easily understood by the audience(Barker, 2016). Some errors can be observed during the communications like a hesitation is known as the level of anxiety this error occurs during the communication with others. In this communication apprehension method is for the bad communication in the interviews and presentations. This happens because of the level of anxiety. In addition to this, the most important tool is oral presentations it is the toughest process it occurs due to not having the confidence while speaking in front of others as a result of it decrease the efficiency of speaking. Through studying anxiety factor, it can be stated that anxiety occurs when not having the confidence. So the individual must pay attention to developing the confidence and also prepare himself for facing the interviews and presentations. Through communications skills, the requirements of the audience can be analysed and understood and then according to the needs of audience presentations can be presented(Cicinelli , 2013). The role of communicators in communication skill is that they convince, notify, and try to motivate the audience and instruct them by developing the skills. In this, while facing the interviews or presentations, proper preparation must be done and it becomes difficult for building the confidence and also confidence that the message delivery to the audience must be meaningful. In addition to this, sometimes it also becomes tough while doing research on the same company where going for interviews but this factor will become the right point to build the confidence while giving the interviews. In addition to this, it is very important to fight with the anxiety factor. Strategies are required to manage the anxiety k while facing the interviews and presenting the presentations. This factor helps in ensuring and also examining the level of confidence while giving the presentations and the correct message should be delivered to the audience(Hargie, 2016). In addition to this, it is very necessary to read the whole topic very carefully and then also analysis the every point regarding the presentations so by these tactics it helps in building the confidence by this only meaningful message will be delivered during the presentations. In this, the main aspect is to understand the question clearly while giving the interviews and then replied the answer with a fresh mind and with lots of confidence and the answer given must be meaningful and correct(West, 2010). Action Plan In this action plan is used for earning the knowledge in context to communication skills and also to improve the skills. Through this activities communication skills can be improved by undertaking practices such as- short course from recognized institutes, reads the books and article and the mentoring from CQU(Angelo, 2014). Beside this it includes the area which is linked with the measurement activities is also include the action plan. In this report measurement and evaluation complete when the activities are done. In this with the help of measurement for having the improvement in the communication skills some activities will be practiced: Activities Description Time period for completing the activity Measurement of completion Undertaking short courses Short-term courses are the boon for gaining and increasing knowledge. These courses help in sharpening individuals mind, thinking ability etc. By these courses, an individual acquires the perfection in particular field in less time compared to full-time courses provided by the universities( Kurucz, Wheeler, A, 2013). These courses are the important tools for imparting effective skills at less time. Hence the short term courses will be undertaken, through: Australia Institute of Management for effective communication Training Institute Queensland University of Technology`s 2 to 3 months Measurement of the practices which will be carried out to develop the communication skills will be done through a communication assessment test(Cicinelli , 2013). All the achievements during the practices of activities will be carried out through a KWL chart. Reading plan In order to develop the skills of communication- Articles and book will be read. Such as- Improve your communication skills written by Alan Barker in the year 2016. Two to Five months Personal Journal Personal journal will be kept to record the main points learned during the course and by reading the books and articles 2 to 4 month Mentor The communication skills will also be learned through a mentor who is going to be approached through CQU. Support of mentor will help in aligning the professional communication skills with requirements of the corporate world. 1 to 3 month References Kurucz, E. C., Wheeler, D., A, . (2013). Reconstructing Value: Leadership Skills for a Sustainable World. University of Toronto Press. Moss, C., Brookhart, . (2012). Learning Targets. ASCD. Northcote, Maria, Gosselin, Kevin P. (2016). Handbook of Research on Humanizing the Distance Learning Experience. IGI Global. Shultz, G. (2016). Learning from Experience. Hoover Press. . Adair, J. (2013). Develop Your Leadership Skills. Kogan Page Publishers. Angelo, G. (2014). The 7 Effective Communication Skills. Seisnama. Barker, A. (2016). Improve Your Communication Skills. Kogan Page Publishers. Cenere, P., Gill, R. (2015). Communication Skills for Business Professionals. Cambridge University Press. Cicinelli , A. (2013). Communication Styles. Academic achievement. Davies, S. (2014). Johari's Window. Silverwood Books Limited. Goldberg, D. (2014). People-Centric Skills. John Wiley Sons. Hakim, Y. E. (2016). The Importance of Engagement in the Learning Experience. Retrieved 2017, from Hargie, O. (2016). Skilled Interpersonal Communication. Taylor Francis. Kolb, D. A. (2014). Experiential Learning. FT Press. Kuhnke, E. (2012). Communication Skills For Dummies. John Wiley Sons. O'Toole, G. (2016). Communication - eBook. Elsevier Health Sciences. Roongpiti, J. (2010). Motivation Theories. Faculty of Journalism and Mass Communication. Russell, J., Cohn, R. (2012). Johari Window. Book on Diamond. Solomon, D. (2012). Interpersonal Communication. Routledge. West, R. (2010). Understanding Interpersonal Communication. Cengage Learning.
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