Sunday, August 23, 2020
Italian Vowels - Pronunciation Examples
Italian Vowels s Italian vowels ( le vocali a I u e o The rough English counterparts are as per the following: a resembles an in the English word ah! Italian/Englishcasa  houseantipasto  appetizerama  lovesbanana  bananasala  hallPapa  Popefama  famepasta  pasta; batter; cake e is in some cases like e in the English word they (without the last I coast). Italian/Englisheâ â andbeveâ â drinksmeâ â mefedeâ â faithvedeâ â seesmeleâ â applesseteâ â thirstpepeâ â pepper e is in some cases like e in the word met. This is the open e. Italian/English㠨â â islentoâ â slowbeneâ â wellfestaâ â party; holidaysediaâ â chairprestoâ â soonventoâ â windt㠨â â tea I resembles I in machine. Italian/Englishlibriâ â booksbimbiâ â childrenviniâ â winesvioliniâ â violinstiniâ â vatspiniâ â pines o is in some cases like o in the English word gracious!. Italian/Englishoâ â ordonoâ â giftnomeâ â namesoloâ â alonepostoâ â placetondoâ â roundvoloâ â flightmondoâ â world o is now and again like o in or. This is the open o. Italian/Englishmodaâ â fashiontogaâ â toganoâ â nooroâ â goldpostaâ â mailbrodoâ â brothcosaâ â thingtronoâ â thronerosaâ â roseolioâ â oil u resembles u in rule. Italian/Englishlunaâ â moonfungoâ â mushroomunoâ â onelungoâ â longfugaâ â fuguemuloâ â muleusoâ â usetuboâ â tube
Friday, August 21, 2020
Free Video Editing Programs for Journalists
Free Video Editing Programs for Journalists With increasingly more news outlets consolidating video onto their sites, figuring out how to shoot and alter computerized video news reports is an absolute necessity. However, while an advanced video would now be able to be shot with something as basic and cheap as a cellphone, proficient video editings programming programs like Adobe Premiere Pro or Apples Final Cut can even now be overwhelming for learners, both in cost and multifaceted nature. Fortunately there are a lot of free other options. A few, similar to Windows Movie Maker, are most likely as of now on your PC. Others can be downloaded from the web. Also, a considerable lot of these free video altering programs are quite simple to utilize. So on the off chance that you need to add computerized video news reports to your blog or site, here are a few alternatives that will permit you to do essential video altering rapidly and efficiently. (The admonition here is that on the off chance that you in the long run need to create proficient looking news recordings, youre presumably going to need to ace Premiere Pro or Final Cut sooner or later. Those are the projects utilized by proficient videographers at news sites, and are well worth learning.) Windows Movie Maker Windows Movie Maker is free, simple to-utilize programming that will let you do fundamental video altering, including the capacity to include titles, music, and changes. Be that as it may, be careful: Many clients state the program crashes much of the time, so when youre altering a video spare your work every now and again. Else, you may lose everything youve done and need to begin once more. YouTube Video Editor YouTube is the universes most mainstream video transfer site, so it bodes well that it offers an essential video altering program. In any case, the accentuation here is on BASIC. You can trim your clasps and include straightforward advances and music, yet that is about it. Also, you can just alter recordings that youve as of now transferred to YouTube. IMovie iMovie is Apples likeness Windows Movie Maker. It comes introduced free on Macs. Clients state its a decent fundamental altering program, however on the off chance that you dont have a Mac, youre up the creek without a paddle. Wax Wax is free video altering programming that is more advanced than different projects referenced here. Its quality is in the variety of embellishments alternatives advertised. Be that as it may, its more prominent advancement implies a more extreme expectation to absorb information. A few clients state it tends to be dubious to learn. Lightworks This is a component rich altering program that comes in both free and paid variants, however individuals who have utilized it state even the free form offers heaps of modern highlights. Obviously, similarly as with any of the more adaptable altering programs, Lightworks sets aside some effort to learn and might be scary for novices. WeVideo WeVideo is a cloud-based altering program that comes in both free and paid adaptations. Its both PC and Mac-perfect and offers clients the capacity to chip away at their recordings anyplace or to share and work together on video altering ventures.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
“The Diary Of A Young Girl†Anne Frank And Her Role In History - 275 Words
â€Å"The Diary Of A Young Girl†: Anne Frank And Her Role In History (Research Paper Sample) Content: Anne Frank and Her Role in History Name Institution Affiliation Anne Frank and Her Role in History Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl posthumously renowned for her diary, â€Å"The Diary of a Young Girl†. Later published as a novel, the diary documents the two years she spent hiding with her family during the Holocaust. This writeup gives a brief account of Anne Frank’s life and further illustrates the significant role she plays in history. Anne Frank was born in 1929 in Germany to Otto and Edith Frank. In 1933, Adolf Hitler rose to power and started anti-Jewish campaigns throughout Germany. In a bid to protect his Jewish family, Otto moved them to Netherlands where Anne started school in 1935. Germany occupied Holland in 1942 and began deporting Jews to extermination camps in Austria and Poland. Consequently, Anne, her sister Margot and six friends went into hiding in an apartment behind her father’s business store. In her diary, she details the two years she spent hiding in the Secret Annex. However, in 1944, German police discovered their hideout and expelled them to Westerbork and later on, to the Auschwitz extermination camp in Poland. In 1945, Anne died of typhus while in captivity, leaving her father as the only survivor. The legacy left by the fifteen-year-old girl makes her an important figure in global history. Through her carefully penned dairy, she gave a first-hand narration of the events surrounding the Holocaust and her family’s exile in Holland. Her chronology is famed as one of the most reliable accounts of the Holocaust. Moreover, Anne’s story demonstrates the strength of t...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Essay - 3126 Words
Visit any major museum of art, at any given time, and one could find an abundance of monumental names listed on tiny plaques hanging next to even more recognizable works of art. The excitement felt by any art enthusiast when walking into these buildings of time and creation, is undeniable and especially unique. Could it be the atmosphere of the building, the presence of artwork, the people, possibly the grandeur of the space, or perhaps, could it be the spirit of the artists themselves, peering through the work they created? As onlookers peer into the artworks in front of them, there is no question as to whether or not they considered what the artwork means, where it came from and what the artist was interested in who created it. The†¦show more content†¦Benjamin’s death in 1940 at the age of 48, is rumored to be a suicide when the Naza’s took office, but is still a mystery. His ideas and concepts however, would live on for decades to come. Much of what he wrote about when discussing art came essentially after the development of photography and film. In his work, â€Å"Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,†Benjamin addresses his perception of the changes in art and the aesthetic experience congruent with societal changes. He writes with concern of how the great artworks are viewed after the introduction of photography and film. His idea of mechanical reproduction changed the art world as society knew it, particularly in how the public views artwork and the value of that work as more and more people are able to own, view and discuss it. This paper will specifically look at aspects of Benjamin’s groundbreaking essay and how educators can relate his ideas to the practices in their art classrooms. Much of what Benjamin discusses in his essay has to do with what he describes as the â€Å"aura†or spirit of an artwork. He discusses this spirit and how it is obtained, lost, given and received. He suggests that the aura of an artwork we know and understand today is much different from how it was understood in the time and place of its production. The aura Benjamin speaks of is obtained because of the artwork’s uniqueness and authenticity, which in turn is lost due the act of mass production. In describing thisShow MoreRelatedThe Work Of Art And The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction1320 Words  | 6 Pagesessay, â€Å"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction†by briefly distinguishing his categories from t raditional aesthetic values, those of â€Å"creativity and genius, eternal value and mystery†(Benjamin, 218). In contrast, he relates these tendencies to bourgeois and fascist ideologies and to the conditions, inevitably generated out of capitalism itself, which provoke â€Å"revolutionary demands in the politics of art†(217-8) Benjamin claims that in times past the role of art has been to provideRead MoreThe Work Of Art And The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction911 Words  | 4 PagesIn the piece â€Å"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,†Benjamin tackles the evolution of reproduction coinciding with the introduction advanced technologies; and how art, specifically film, has transformed since this introduction. He asserts that reproduction has now become part of the process in art because of mediums like film and photography, however their reliance on technology creates less authenticity among art forms due to less of the original art still be connected to the pieceRead MoreThe Work Of Art And The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction1180 Words  | 5 Pagesdevelopment in media that â€Å"will change our lives†. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, are all forms of mass media, but one could dispute that they are unnecessary to the development of society. Walter Benjamin argues in, â€Å"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction,†that with reproducibility of images, submission towards the film increases thus a lack in the formation of one’s own opinions. Today, if asked, not many would protest the invention and rise of film, but according to Walter BenjaminRead MoreThe Work Of Art During The Age Of Mechanical Reproduction1057 Words  | 5 PagesIn The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction (1936), Walter Benjamin examines the mechanically reproduced art in relation to the practice of politics and shows a positive attitude toward the mechanical reproduction in modern age. In The Cult ure Industry (1944), Theodore Adorno and Max Horkheimer who belong to the Frankfurt School same like Benjamin (although some scholars distinguish Walter Benjamin from the Frankfurt School) criticize the contemporary popular culture as a ramificationRead MoreWalter Benjamin The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction1450 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿Ã¢â‚¬ËœThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction’: how has the reproduction of images changed the development of art? Identify three works of your choice to support your argument. This essay will start from Walter Benjamin’s consideration about the impact of mechanical reproduction of art as revolutionizing its social function and will describe the noticeable validity of his theory in the contemporary world. By introducing three artworks that belong to different historical periods, namelyRead MoreThe Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin1263 Words  | 5 Pages While reading the article, â€Å"The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction†by Walter Benjamin, it is clear to grasp the idea being portrayed. The author is determined to prove to his readers how the advancement of humanity has led to drastic changes in how we create and perceive artwork. Mechanical reproduction of a work of art, however, represents something new. Historically, it advanced intermittently and in leaps at long intervals, but with accelerated intensity. One of the questionsRead MoreReaction Essay on Movie â€Å"Shadow Magic†and Article â€Å"the Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction†by Walter Benjamin.965 Words  | 4 PagesAfter reading the article on The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction by Walter Benjamin, it gives a lot of things to think about art these days and how it should be, whether the thinking of Walter Benjamin is relevant to our age of society these days is a different part of the story but how he interprets art in the article is a totally different thing, so let us view a bit about his article. â€Å"Our fine arts were developed, their types and uses were established, in times very differentRead MoreDada vs. Walter Benjamin: What Value Does Dada Have in Context of Walter Benjamins the Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction?3101 Words  | 13 Pages------------------------------------------------- Unit 7. ------------------------------------------------- Dada Vs. Walter Benjamin: What value does Dada have in context of Walter Benjamins The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction? ------------------------------------------------- Martin Hannon ------------------------------------------------- Martin Newth ------------------------------------------------- B.A. Photography, Year 2. ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------Read MoreRelationship between Mechanical Reproduction, Art and Culture754 Words  | 4 Pagesbe reflected in different forms of art because the marxist school believes that everything in a society is based on the current modes of production. A change to the mode of production will bring change to politics, law, philosophy, religion, and art. Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno and Walter Benjamin are three of the most notable critics of Marxism. They write about the production of cultural subject in capitalist societies, agreeing that reproduction of art has drastically changed due to mechanization
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Becoming a Police Officer - 978 Words
Becoming a Police Officer \Protect and serve. These two words may be simple to any regular citizen. However, they are everything to any police officer. The honorable career of law enforcement is not always an easy one to enter. There are requirements in order to be recruited and employed by any policing agency. In addition to the highly competitive and rigorous application process to become selected as an officer of the law, there are training programs, continued education programs, and other requirements necessary to remain in the career. The first process of becoming an officer is not a step to take lightly. Initially, the applicant must determine whether he or she is mentally, emotionally and physically prepared for the rigorous†¦show more content†¦Citizenship (at hire or in some states within two years of hire). Background: No felony or misdemeanor convictions (other than traffic violations) that would make it illegal to carry a gun or that involve perjury, false statement, moral turpitude, or domestic violence. No history of criminal or improper conduct. No poor employment, military, or driving record that would affect law enforcement work. Valid driver’s license. Responsible financial history. Good moral character. Health: Good health with no conditions that would restrict ability to perform all aspects of police work. Vision and hearing must be tested and successfully corrected, if necessary; color blindness can be disqualifying. Weight must be proportional to height. There is no height requirement. Tests: Written civil service examination, medical examination, psychological examination, tests of physical fitness or agility, voice stress analysis or polygraph test, drug tests. Background and character investigation. Interview. Employment often is conditional on further testing during the periods of orientation, training, and probation as a police recruit. Residency: Becoming a resident in the jurisdiction of hire is a requirement. (The range of residency boundaries can vary significantly by jurisdiction.) Once a police candidate has passed the selection process, he or she is placed on probation, a trial period of one or two years during which the officer is evaluated. This probationary periodShow MoreRelatedAdvantages and Disadvantages of Becoming a Police Officer1253 Words  | 5 Pagesfireman, police officer or a teacher and if not, than you’re probably Amish. A police officer may seem like a common job, but it’s actually very hard to get into law enforcement. Most little kids dream of being a police officer when their older, mainly because they don’t exactly know what it is, and the requirements to be one. 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Policeman can have a stressful job and sometimes it gets inRead MoreGathering Research Data1121 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction Police officers are considered to be very decent individuals because they put their lives on the line day in and day out in efforts to protect and serve in the communities that they are assigned. They devote themselves to guarding and representing their community with the services they provide. Although they live as normal people, even outside of the uniform they are still held at a higher standard that other citizens. Many people may wonder what influences individuals to become police officersRead MorePolice Commission Why would you want to become a police officer? Many people join the force900 Words  | 4 PagesPolice Commission Why would you want to become a police officer? Many people join the force because they want to serve and protect their state from criminals and dangers. Some people join because you don’t usually need a high end education to join. Of course some people join because they want to abuse their power. Becoming a police officer requires a long training period that covers most, if not all aspects of becoming a police officer. This all happens at a Police Academy. In order to join theRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s 1984 1608 Words  | 7 Pagesintrusion that makes one ask themselves, how close is our society to becoming one where every action is monitored? How close is the idea of western civilization to becoming a police state, such as in North Korea, or the one in George Orwell’s novel, ‘1984’? North American society is drifting towards becoming a police state at an ever increasing rate. This is shown in how North Americans are slowly losing their rights, the police force acting above the law, and the monitoring of citizens by government
Competitive Strategy in Dick Hotel-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Competitive Strategies Influencing Performance of Dick's Hotel in Balmain Sydney, Australia. Answer: Research Context The research proposal brief addresses the competition facing DiCK hotel industry business. Dicks hotel established in the year 1872 by John Dick, the business has continued to offer foods and drinks to residents and visitors of Balmain, Sydney. The hospitality and tourism industry have grown tremendously in Australia. The key parties in the industry have been providing hospitable goods and services for both domestic and overseas consumers. The major units in the industry include: restaurants, bars, catering, meetings, conferences, and tour operations services. Several businesses have emerged in hospitality and tourism in Australia covering the different major units of the industry (Fraj, E. Matute, J. Melero, I. 2015, 35). . The importance of the hotel and others major units in Australia economy cannot be estimated. Direct tourism and hospitality industry contributed over $33.9 billion of Australias GDP in 2014/2015 financial year. The profitability and performance in the industry has led to market entry of others investors and business persons. In 2009 there were 77,087 businesses operating in hospitality and tourism industry since then it has grown to over 186, 940 businesses offering accommodations and food services (Hoque, K. 2013, 9). Currently businesses like Dicks hotel are facing competition from other business offering innovation and competitive services to its customers (West, D. Ford, J. Ibrahim, E., 2015, 45). It has prompted the management of Dicks hotel identify suitable strategies to maintain and grow its market share. The bigger problem facing hospitality and tourism firms like Dick hotel is increased competition within the industry. Business persons in the industry are employing innovative and competitive strategies to maintain and attract more customers. Increased domestic and international tourism has led to emergence of more business investors in major hospitality units. The growth in tourism industry is brought about by attractive cultures, geographical features and stable economy. Hospitality sector is depended on the kind of service offered to its customers. Several dynamics have contributed to increased competition in the industry. Trends in consumer characteristics and demographic changes make hotel owners to take a more strategic outlook to planning competitive. Dick hotel has been drastically losing its client base over the years due to competition from other players despite growth in hospitality industry. That makes the hotel owners to establish suitable strategies to remain competitiv e. The purpose of the study will be to identify competitive strategies influencing DiCK hotel performance. Reseach Objectives The study will be guided by the following research objective: To identify competitive strategies influencing performance of DiCKs hotel in Blamain Sydney. To understand the research objective variables a review of the concept of competitive strategy is done. The authors point of view is clearly to understand the variable of study competitive strategy. Competitive strategies define different ways that hotel owners employ to make their products distinctive and attractive from other players offering the same products and services (Hill, C. Jones, G. Schilling, M. 2014, 45). Hotels across Asia apply strategic pricing strategies this is because consumers are not motivated if any hotel cuts its pricing to attract more customers. Pricing strategies for the hotel is done based on the type of service required and type of consumers. The empirical finding across countries especially in Australia shows that when demand of rooms is high, rooms can be available for those paying higher prices and vice versa. DiCK hotel have different price differentials for its service provision. There are prices for normal class and those for the corporate class tha t is dominantly manifested in its drinks price differentials. Consumer segmentation is another strategic component of hospitality industry dominant in Australia. Studies show that hotels segment customers differently either corporate, family, domestic, international and leisure customers (Phillips, P. Moutinho, L. 2014, 101). Each segment has different needs and expectations they are then served accordingly. For example in Singapore the hotels have special packages for families during weekends. Hotel owners will to charge differently for the services offered to each segments. The researcher points out the role of technology in competitive strategy. The technology changes have made hotels to employ competitive strategies (Kong, E. Lien, C. 2016, 980). Hotels are using Meta service engines, online travel agents, hotel booking agents, and travel review websites would offer customers a wider choices and accessibility to hotel products. DiCK hotel is employing an integrative information technology system to manage its communication needs. The system allows bookings, payment functions and revenue management. Other hotels in US are employing a self-management system that enables customers book, serve them and pay for the services (McManus, L. 2013, 142). The use of technology strategies makes hospitality industry players to be competitive. Findings show that in hotel industry the service offered is based on certain quality aspects (intangibility, heterogeneity). Consumers evaluate a service offered based on total quality characteristics if positive it brings loy alty and satisfaction in the long run. Service quality is the most important factor influencing customer perceptions in the hotel industry (Espino-Rodrguez, T. Lai, P. 2014, 18). Hotel owners continue employing innovative service strategies to attract new and maintain loyal customers. A cross sectional survey in different countries show that it is the same challenges and factors are facing hotels across countries. The majorly factors are changes in food prices, instability in countries, technology changes, demographic dynamism, currency stability, competition, and changes in labor market (Jones, P. Jones, P. Hillier, D. Hillier, D. Comfort, D. 2016, 47). In Australia, some of factors influencing hotel operations are changes in fuel prices, and national policy frameworks. Both have influenced hospitality industry positively over the last two years. Other factors that influence hotels include changes in consumer demographics, and strength of Australian dollar (Melissen, F. Cavagnaro, E. Damen, M. Dweke, A. 2016, 236). Consumer research teams identify aging population, changing family structures and customer preferences to be challenges facing hotel owners. In order to manage the challenges the hotel owners need to formulate suitable competitive strategies. To be abl e to understand the operationalization of the topic the conceptual framework is used in figure1.The conceptual framework is a diagrammatic relationship of the variables in the study. Figure1 shows the conceptual framework. Figure 1 conceptual framework: Source: Author 2017 Figure 1 explains the relationship between competitive strategies and performance of hotels. It defines the dependent and independent variable relationships. Challenges can affect the different competitive strategies employed affecting performance in the long run. The Reaseacrch approach to be applied The research will employ a mixed methods approach which uses both quantitative and qualitative research to find best suitable answers to research questions (Hill, C. Jones, G. Schilling, M. 2014, 45). The methodology provides a comprehensive explanation of research objectives being investigated. The approach is to obtained information of the study through primary data sources. The research will obtained qualitative data by using interview schedules issued to the target population. The Research Design And Methodology To Be Applied Research technique The study will employ a survey research design (Kothari, C. 2014, 35). The survey research technique involves obtaining responses through questions from a sampled population. The design will describe systematically how competitive strategies and its influence performance of the DiCK hotel. This is by seeking responses from the target population. The population The study will be conducted in DiCK hotel covering its top management employees. The sampling frame will include: 5 managers, 14 assistant managers, and 1 director. The sampling frame of the study will be represented by 20 employees as per the company human resource records of 2017. The top management employees were chosen because they are the only ones engaged in strategy formulatio Sampling design Non-probability sampling technique (purposive) will be used because all samples are expected to provide information relevant to the study. The top management will be chosen purposively because they are the only one who has information for the study. Non probability is sampling technique that does not give respondents equal chance of being selected (Kothari, C. 2014, 65). Implementation plan The study will be conducted using a cross-sectional type of study because it involves a short period status study. The entire study is expected to be carried out in less than 3 months. The study is conducted to understand how competitive strategies influence performance of DiCK hotel. Primary data will be obtained from primary sources through interviews. The study will require a budget of AUS $500 to carry out various study elements. Logistics will include: printing, photocopies, stationery, data analysis fees, fare and meals. Before collection of data authorization will be sought, and appointments made with respondents. The interview will be scheduled to take 10 working days with each session having a maximum of 30 minutes. The qualitative data collected will be arranged, coded and ready for analysis. Suggested interview questions and topics To provide answers to study objective, structured interview will be used. Respondents will be asked to provide answers to questions provided. An interview is chosen because it provides respondents a wider opening to answer the questions (Kothari, C. 2014, 34). The interview will only cover the topic of the study and confidentiality will be maintained. The topics covered will be on strategies: applications, challenges and remedies. List of interview structured questions the following are sample of questions for the interview: How long have you been working for the hotel. How is the level of hotel performance the last five years. What have been your success over the years. Which are the strategies are you employing to ensure the success Are your hotel facing any competition Have the strategies been successful in managing competition in the industry What is the future of the hotel industry in the country.. Which are some of the challenges facing the hotel. Are there any remedies for the challenges. Project schedule Reference lists Espino,Rodriguez TF., and Lai, P.C 2014, Outsourcing and competitive strategy in hotel industry, International Journal of Hospitality Management,42, pp.9-19. Fraj, E., Matute, J and Melero, I 2015, Environmental strategies and organizational competitiveness in the hotel industry: Role of learning and innovation as determinants of environmental success.Journal of Tourism Management,46, pp.30-42 Hill, W., Jones, G. and Schilling, M 2014, Strategic management theory: integrated approach, Cengage Learning. Hoque, K 2013, Hotel industry human resource management: strategy, innovation and performance. Routledge. Jones, P., Hillier, D., and Comfort, D 2016, Sustainability in the hospitality industry: some personal reflections on corporate challenges and research agendas,International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28(1), pp.36-67. Kong, E. and Lien, C.Y 2016, Social media impact in service innovations: An empirical study on the Australian hotel industry. Social Media and Networking: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications(pp. 978-993). IGI Global Kothari, C.R., 2014. Research methodology: methods and techniques. New Age press McManus, L 2013, Accounting and marketing performance measures in the hotel industry: Evidence from Australia, international Journal of Hospitality Management,33, pp.140-152. Melissen, F., Cavagnaro, E., Damen, M and Dweke, A 2016, Is the hotel industry prepared to face the challenge of sustainable development? Journal of Vacation Marketing,22(3), pp.227-238. Mok, C., Sparks, B. and Kadampully, J., 2013.Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. Routledge. Phillips, P. and Moutinho, L., 2014. Critical review of strategic planning research in hospitality and tourism.Annals of Tourism Research,48, pp.96-120. West, D.C., Ford, J. and Ibrahim, E., 2015.Strategic marketing: creating competitive advantage. Oxford University Press
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Workplace Safety Essay Example
Workplace Safety Essay It is the responsibility of the supervisor or manager to ensure that the employees are taken care of with regards to safety in the workplace. It is something that is dictated by common law as well as legal laws mandated by the constitution.All managers have responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is safe for the employees as well as proper safety equipment are used whenever danger is associated in the workplace such as in constructions and laboratories. Ina a construction company, a manager has to ensure not only that the employees is wearing proper and safety equipment but as well as the usage of the proper technique and way of doing the job. On the other hand, the proper attire is very important in places wherein employees are expose to hazardous chemicals such as in laboratories and thus, it the managers responsibility to ensure that proper attires are used in the workplace. Every work has its own safety precautions that should be applied in order to ensure the safety of the employees.Also, it is also the duty of the manager to consider not only the physical safety of the employee but as well as the employee’s interest in cases of accidents in the workplace. It is manager’s duty to ensure that an injured employee is taken care of and as well as to protect the employee’s interest through insurance.Although common law does not specifically provide the penalties when it is breached, court action may follow in cases wherein common law is breached (NSW WorkCover Website). It is then the duty of the court to decide what actions should be taken and what proper penalties should be imposed. The boundary of the penalty will also be determined by the court in order to protect the interest of both the defendant and the prosecutor.On the other hand, the rights and welfare of the employees are also guarded and protected by the different laws and legislature by specifying the responsibilities of the managers to his or her employees. One example w ould be regarding Tort Negligence wherein a party may sue another due to negligence of that party’s responsibility (NSW WorkCover Website). In this case, an employee may sue the employer in cases wherein the employer neglected his or her responsibility to his or her employee. In this case, the law is able to protect the interest and rights of employees that may occur due to irresponsibility and abuse of the employer. On the other, the court’s decision would also be based on trials and evidence should be given to prove that the employer really does neglect his or her responsibility to his or her employee. Thus, the court also protects the employers in cases wherein the employees may also abuse their rights set by the law.Every employee should be considered as an asset of the organization and thus, their rights must protected and their safety, ensured. It is the manager’s duty to ensure that the employees are safe since the whole company will also be affected in c ases of accidents. Thus, manages should be responsible enough because of the responsibility at put in their shoulders.Part 2In order to ensure the safety of the employees, the company should ensure that the following are met:1. Entrances and exits are free from work and obstruction- this is important in order to ensure that the time of the workers are not wasted and the workers have convenient access to the workplace2. Walkways, floors and stairs are clean, and are in good conditions- the company must ensure that its building premises are in good condition and the cleanliness is maintained at all times.3. Storage areas are within reach with enough space and with proper storage materials such as shelves and the likes – for fast and easy storage of stocks and valuable materials4. The proper lightning in the workplace is suitable for the job and comfortable for the employees – proper lightning is very important so as to have an efficient workforce and to avoid eye problem s on the part of the employees.5. The room temperature is kept in a comfortable level unless needed in the work- proper room temperature is also needed.6. No distractions are present such as noise and others- distractions tend to make the workers uneasy and unproductive.7. The equipments are located in the proper places and in good running condition- the proper equipment should also be located in the proper place.8. The hazardous substances are properly labeled and stored in the proper place- hazardous substance should well protected to avoid contact with the employees.9. All electrical items are in good working conditions- it is important to avoid accident in the workplace.10. Amenities such as toilets, bathrooms and others readily available and comfortable- these amenities should be readily available for employee convenience.11. Emergency procedures are available and in good condition such as signals and alarms, emergency exits and drills and fire extinguishers- these should be av ailable for the employees to have trust and security in the workplace in cases of accidents.12. First-aid materials and personnel are accessible in times of need- in cases of accidents, it is important that the employees are taken care of with the proper materials and personnel.-13. The workplace is secure with proper pre-cautions and security personnel- guards and security procedures are important to ensure that the company along with the employees is free from attacks such as terrorism.14. The workplace is comfortable and employees are provided with the appropriate materials needed in their job such as desk, chair and personal computers- it is important top provide the employees with the proper materials for efficiency and contentmentMaintaining all these requirements is important to ensure that the workers are safe and free from accidents cause by the internal environment. These will indeed need a lot of resources and time to ensure but it is also for the benefit of the whole com pany and not the workers alone. The company must ensure that these things are met to maintain the efficiency and loyalty of the employees to the company. Otherwise, it will surely be a great loss to the company, losing valuable employees.Part 3As a member of an organization, I can say that our organization is following the necessary safety requirement to ensure the safety of the employees. The company protects the employees whom they regarded as asset of the company. Proper methods and safety procedures are done because of this matter.As part of the safety procedure of the company, employees who are new to the company are trained not only to ensure productivity but also to ensure that the proper methods are used. By doing so, accidents maybe decreased in the workplace. The proper method is very important since it will help the employees the proper execution of techniques and workforce in doing a particular job. As a result, the productivity is increased without compromising the safe ty of the employees. Although, every job has its own threats, doing the job in the proper way is the best way of minimizing accidents.The company also promotes employee participation in terms whenever it is needed. The decision making process is not only a matter concerning the management but the employees as well. This is to protect the employees by arriving at a resolution for the benefit of the company without setting aside the interest of the employees.All companies contain substances that can be considered dangerous to health and safety. The same goes for our company. However, the management ensures that these materials do not offer threat to health and safety of the employees. The management ensures that hazardous chemicals are kept in the proper place and labeled with safety precautions. Employees are also aware of the proper handling of such materials taking into account the risk associated with it.When it comes to risk assessment and control, the management also makes sure to have feedbacks from the employees regarding the work process. This will determine what is lacking in the workplace as well as the cries of the employees. In doing so, the management is able to attend to the needs of the employees in matters concerning their safety and personal interest. As a part of this method, the management records such incidents as well as cases of accidents. Every record is kept for evaluation and comparison.The points of view of the employees are welcomed by the management and are basis for future development. As mentioned earlier, records are kept for evaluation and comparison. This helps the management to identify whether a certain action on a complaint had been addressed properly and if not, to take another course of action. The management continuously improves not only the quality of products but the operation of the organization as a whole. This includes the safety in the workplace and the development of the employee’s well-being. Continues impr ovement had been a part of the organization also because of the changes in the internal and external environment. The management adapts to these changes by reshaping the organization for the employees and the company as a whole. Risks are part of work but proper handling can lessen if not totally eliminate these risks. Workplace safety Essay Example Workplace safety Essay Workers in the meat packing industries in the United States are faced with very many safety issues in their work places. They perform dangerous jobs in very difficult conditions as they dispatch non-stop rows and rows of animal carcasses in the plant kill floors and the hang areas, sawing and cutting the meat at volumes and pace which is unpredictable. Due to the high demand for the meat in restaurants and supermarkets, workers are faced with bloody and greasy conditions, vulnerabilities, and several abuses by the foremans which violate their human rights.The workers work in great fear and risk as the industry has an extraordinary high rates of injuries and other workers face dismissals especially when they exercise their rights to organize or bargain for a collective attempt to improve their working conditions which are constantly devastating. These industries mostly have immigrant workers who are particularly at risk especially due to the language barrier which prevent them fro m knowing their rights under the American law and the hazardous workplaces which they are exposed to. These workers are mostly undocumented and therefore they are threatened with deportation if they try to organize themselves in trying to improve their working conditions which are particularly worrying. ; major features of the industry make it rife with hazards to life, limb and health, the key dangers are; one, line speed. Meat parkers try to maximize volume of animals going through the plant by increasing the speed of processing animals which is directly related to profits and injuries and has made the regulators to set line speed based on the safety and health considerations.The second is close- quarters cutting where workers use sharp hooks and knives and cut at close quarters. Heights of disassembly lines and work surfaces and the space between the workers is equal regardless of the, height (tall or short) or stoutness, therefore workers have to make extra efforts which bring greater risks to them and the coworkers. The force used to cut and the direction of the stabs, jerks, cuts and yanks are unpredictable and workers end up cutting each other.Workers have to lift, shove and turn heavy animal parks, saws and other equipments which tire them and make them strain as they require force for sawing, cutting, lifting, slicing and pulling which is the major cause of musculoskeletal disorders. They work in dirty conditions especially those who are in the live hang department of poultry industry because the chicken bit, peck, urinate and defecate on them. Workers have sullied work conditions where they lack protective equipments, they come into contact with blood, grease, ingesta, animal feces and other excretions from animals and especially in Nebraska Beef which has not met the sanitary production standards for workers and consumers since 2001 and 2002. ; /SLTC/meatpacking/ ;According to (Forkard, 2004), the workers work for long hours and have prolonged work shifts which are less safe for workers and increase the risk of accidents. Workers have inadequate training before being put on the jobs and they lark adequate equipments. The industries under report injuries as found out by OSHA and one recent article show that 69% of nonfatal occupational injuries are not reported, (Leigh, Marcin ; Miller2004).There have been several measures and recommendations which have been taken to protect workers in the meat and poultry industry by the human rights watch.One of them is the the international human rights standard and the U.S law. The human rights instruments recognize the importance of the insurance system for job related injuries and illnesses to protect workers including non-citizens. Universal declaration of human rights expects everyone to have aright to just and favorable working conditions, the right to security in event of unem ployment, disability or lark of other livelihoods which are beyond the workers control. The ILO convention prescribes workers compensation for employees including medical care, rehabilitation services, salary replacement and death benefits for survivors of dead workers, United States and trading partners of North America committed themselves to establishing a system which provide benefits and compensation to workers and Dependants in case of occupational injury which has occurred in the course of employment.In regard to compliance to the international standards on freedom of association, the universal declaration of human rights declare that everyone has a right of freedom of peaceful assembly and association and join trade unions without impediments. They should have a right to bargain collectively on matters concerning terms and conditions of employment and right to strike so as to defend their collective interests.regarding the law censoring safety of workers regardless of the im migration status, the universal declaration of human rights shows that the law should apply to all persons including the immigrant workers regardless of their status. the International Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of all Migrant workers and members of their families call for equal treatment which is not less favorable than the one which applies to the nationals. The equal treatment include pay, work conditions, and legal protections which include the rights to organize and carry out a collective bargaining. ;;(According to anonymous, (1999), United States working conditions were improved remarkably in the 1990s and despite the successes, much work remains with the goal of workers being a productive and a safe working life where retirement will be free of occupational diseases. there has been decrease in fatal occupational injuries due to efforts by labor and management to improve the worker safety. Other efforts were from state labor and health authorities through education, research and regulatory activities which have been undertaken by the government agencies such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA]. there was physical changes such as safer equipment, safer work practices, improvement training of health and professionals for workers and there has been reduction in workplace deaths. ; ;Recommendations of the human rights watch are; the new federal state laws to reduce the line speed in the meat and poultry industry to reasonable levels which do not create a constant preventable risk of injury and establish ergonomics standards so as to reduce repetitive injuries and the health and safety authorities should put stronger enforcement measures and development of stronger worker compensation laws and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that the laws are followed.The safety authorities and government health should device stricter injury reporting r equirements so as to end the chronic under reporting of injuries in the industry. Stronger laws should be enforced stronger laws so that the employers does not avoid claims by the injured workers.; ;Anti-retaliation laws which are meant to prohibit the firing of employees who file workers compensation claims should be enforced. In particular, immigrant workers must be informed of of their rights under the laws of workers compensation and be assured of their ability to file claims without the fear of reprisal.Employers should not intimidate anti-organizing campaigns to take advantage of loopholes and the weaknesses found in U.S labor law and congress should enact legislation to bring the labor law into compliance with the international standards.The new laws should ensure respect for human rights of immigrant workers regardless of their status and they should have the same work place protection as the nationalists which include coverage of under fair labor standards and other labor laws and same remedies should apply when their human rights are violated.The deontological theory or duty ethics in work places determine if an act or rule is morall right or wrong and if it meets the set moral standards. If a rule is made universal without any contradiction, the it is right and vice versa. Giving promises and not keeping them is morally wrong because it cannot be made a universal law. Utilitarianism refers to the ethical merit of an act which is determined to be best due to the consequences or the results of the act. It says that actions are right when they produce the benefits and prevent harm.Determining the greatest good for the greatest number of people is not easily determined, therefore, these recommendations by the human rights watch may be a bit hard to establish in the meat packing industry because they will be good for the employees and not the employers.In conclusion, the meat packing industries in the United States work in very poor conditions which put their livest at risk. They lack safety equipments, compensation in case of injuries and are exposed to extremely harsh conditions which result to severe injuries and even deaths. The employers put the workers at severe risks of serious physical injury even though there are various means in which they can avoid those injuries which are predictable and well known. They put the workers under constant frustration especially when they try to get a compensation for injuries sustained during the working process and crush their self organizing efforts and the rights of association of the workers.      Employers pay little attention to the modern human resources management policies and exploit the vulnerability of the workforce which is predominated by the immigrant labor force. Several measures have been taken by the human rights watch where laws have been established so that the workers and especially the immigrants can be able to claim good working environments as well as their human rights from their employers. Workplace Safety Essay Example Workplace Safety Essay It is the responsibility of the supervisor or manager to ensure that the employees are taken care of with regards to safety in the workplace. It is something that is dictated by common law as well as legal laws mandated by the constitution.All managers have responsibilities to ensure that the workplace is safe for the employees as well as proper safety equipment are used whenever danger is associated in the workplace such as in constructions and laboratories. Ina a construction company, a manager has to ensure not only that the employees is wearing proper and safety equipment but as well as the usage of the proper technique and way of doing the job. On the other hand, the proper attire is very important in places wherein employees are expose to hazardous chemicals such as in laboratories and thus, it the managers responsibility to ensure that proper attires are used in the workplace. Every work has its own safety precautions that should be applied in order to ensure the safety of the employees.Also, it is also the duty of the manager to consider not only the physical safety of the employee but as well as the employee’s interest in cases of accidents in the workplace. It is manager’s duty to ensure that an injured employee is taken care of and as well as to protect the employee’s interest through insurance.Although common law does not specifically provide the penalties when it is breached, court action may follow in cases wherein common law is breached (NSW WorkCover Website). It is then the duty of the court to decide what actions should be taken and what proper penalties should be imposed. The boundary of the penalty will also be determined by the court in order to protect the interest of both the defendant and the prosecutor.On the other hand, the rights and welfare of the employees are also guarded and protected by the different laws and legislature by specifying the responsibilities of the managers to his or her employees. One example w ould be regarding Tort Negligence wherein a party may sue another due to negligence of that party’s responsibility (NSW WorkCover Website). In this case, an employee may sue the employer in cases wherein the employer neglected his or her responsibility to his or her employee. In this case, the law is able to protect the interest and rights of employees that may occur due to irresponsibility and abuse of the employer. On the other, the court’s decision would also be based on trials and evidence should be given to prove that the employer really does neglect his or her responsibility to his or her employee. Thus, the court also protects the employers in cases wherein the employees may also abuse their rights set by the law.Every employee should be considered as an asset of the organization and thus, their rights must protected and their safety, ensured. It is the manager’s duty to ensure that the employees are safe since the whole company will also be affected in c ases of accidents. Thus, manages should be responsible enough because of the responsibility at put in their shoulders.Part 2In order to ensure the safety of the employees, the company should ensure that the following are met:1. Entrances and exits are free from work and obstruction- this is important in order to ensure that the time of the workers are not wasted and the workers have convenient access to the workplace2. Walkways, floors and stairs are clean, and are in good conditions- the company must ensure that its building premises are in good condition and the cleanliness is maintained at all times.3. Storage areas are within reach with enough space and with proper storage materials such as shelves and the likes – for fast and easy storage of stocks and valuable materials4. The proper lightning in the workplace is suitable for the job and comfortable for the employees – proper lightning is very important so as to have an efficient workforce and to avoid eye problem s on the part of the employees.5. The room temperature is kept in a comfortable level unless needed in the work- proper room temperature is also needed.6. No distractions are present such as noise and others- distractions tend to make the workers uneasy and unproductive.7. The equipments are located in the proper places and in good running condition- the proper equipment should also be located in the proper place.8. The hazardous substances are properly labeled and stored in the proper place- hazardous substance should well protected to avoid contact with the employees.9. All electrical items are in good working conditions- it is important to avoid accident in the workplace.10. Amenities such as toilets, bathrooms and others readily available and comfortable- these amenities should be readily available for employee convenience.11. Emergency procedures are available and in good condition such as signals and alarms, emergency exits and drills and fire extinguishers- these should be av ailable for the employees to have trust and security in the workplace in cases of accidents.12. First-aid materials and personnel are accessible in times of need- in cases of accidents, it is important that the employees are taken care of with the proper materials and personnel.-13. The workplace is secure with proper pre-cautions and security personnel- guards and security procedures are important to ensure that the company along with the employees is free from attacks such as terrorism.14. The workplace is comfortable and employees are provided with the appropriate materials needed in their job such as desk, chair and personal computers- it is important top provide the employees with the proper materials for efficiency and contentmentMaintaining all these requirements is important to ensure that the workers are safe and free from accidents cause by the internal environment. These will indeed need a lot of resources and time to ensure but it is also for the benefit of the whole com pany and not the workers alone. The company must ensure that these things are met to maintain the efficiency and loyalty of the employees to the company. Otherwise, it will surely be a great loss to the company, losing valuable employees.Part 3As a member of an organization, I can say that our organization is following the necessary safety requirement to ensure the safety of the employees. The company protects the employees whom they regarded as asset of the company. Proper methods and safety procedures are done because of this matter.As part of the safety procedure of the company, employees who are new to the company are trained not only to ensure productivity but also to ensure that the proper methods are used. By doing so, accidents maybe decreased in the workplace. The proper method is very important since it will help the employees the proper execution of techniques and workforce in doing a particular job. As a result, the productivity is increased without compromising the safe ty of the employees. Although, every job has its own threats, doing the job in the proper way is the best way of minimizing accidents.The company also promotes employee participation in terms whenever it is needed. The decision making process is not only a matter concerning the management but the employees as well. This is to protect the employees by arriving at a resolution for the benefit of the company without setting aside the interest of the employees.All companies contain substances that can be considered dangerous to health and safety. The same goes for our company. However, the management ensures that these materials do not offer threat to health and safety of the employees. The management ensures that hazardous chemicals are kept in the proper place and labeled with safety precautions. Employees are also aware of the proper handling of such materials taking into account the risk associated with it.When it comes to risk assessment and control, the management also makes sure to have feedbacks from the employees regarding the work process. This will determine what is lacking in the workplace as well as the cries of the employees. In doing so, the management is able to attend to the needs of the employees in matters concerning their safety and personal interest. As a part of this method, the management records such incidents as well as cases of accidents. Every record is kept for evaluation and comparison.The points of view of the employees are welcomed by the management and are basis for future development. As mentioned earlier, records are kept for evaluation and comparison. This helps the management to identify whether a certain action on a complaint had been addressed properly and if not, to take another course of action. The management continuously improves not only the quality of products but the operation of the organization as a whole. This includes the safety in the workplace and the development of the employee’s well-being. Continues impr ovement had been a part of the organization also because of the changes in the internal and external environment. The management adapts to these changes by reshaping the organization for the employees and the company as a whole. Risks are part of work but proper handling can lessen if not totally eliminate these risks.
Monday, March 16, 2020
Essay Sample on Slavery and Its Consequences for Labor Force
Essay Sample on Slavery and Its Consequences for Labor Force Origin and Consequences of the Shift in Labor Force and Slavery Slavery in the past was an emerging trend that was used by super powers and some countries that had a vast control in the world. The developed states were in a better position of taking control into the world, including states like Virginia. Such possessions included economic muscles and increased arms and ammunition in their defense. Virginian colonial society during the 17th century was a dominant, as reflected from the performance and increased labor. The people in control of the slavery gained enough advantage and increased their activity in slavery. This was a cheap form of getting labor as opposed to hiring expensive and trained labor. Though the slaves were equal beings, they were made to execute certain activities and work for longer hours without their consent1. Apparently, the people in Virginia were the only advantaged people as they accrued more interests. On the other hand, the people affected in the slave trade were the slaves taken from other countries. Slavery originated in the ancient times when European sailors started routine traveling with ship that had sufficient technology to avoid tidal waves during their movement. During their routine travel, the European sailors came in contact with other races, especially Africans in the west coast of Africa. This was a factor that increased the interaction between the different races as they often came into contact. There were various exchanges that made the Europeans to be more inclined to the Americans as opposed to the Africans. In later progressions, the Americans and Europeans discovered it was prudent to explore the land as the Africans were not increasing the use of the land and Atlantic as a whole. The exploration of Atlantic increased the activities in the land, increasing the number of visits from other societies. In the end, the people who were involved in the exploration decided to embark on further exploration of the African continent. The Americans were deeply engraved in looking for more labor and other resources to assist in their development. This led to increased transportation of people from the African countries to the American states. Similarly, there were some slaves who were forcibly taken to other countries colonized by the Americans. The Virginia society was in dire need of labor to increase its productivity in the region, as it was a most developing state. In essence, they needed more slaves to ensure that they had more laborers to increase on their productivity. There were various routes that were used to make the slave transport a success to the United States and other regions. First, they crossed the Sahara to transport the slaves, via the red sea and into the Atlantic territory, while others were exported through the Indian Ocean. It is denoted that many of the slaves that were exported to these countries were captured during the war against the superpowers. However, the countries had a large influence over the war and ended up winning. To make matters worse, there are some Africans who induced the slave trade in the ancient times. Opportunistic Africans discovered that slave trade was the order of the day and decided to make returns from it. Some Africans created links with the people in control of the slave trade and captured fellow Africans2. They decided to increase the trade by selling the Africans to be deported to other countries. This is a factor that increased the population status of the United States, including Virginia. The slavery trade was increased due to labor shortage in the Virginian state. The Virginian state increased their investments in the economy as they needed an improvement in their operation. In essence, there were many openings for labor, which was insufficient in the country. To avail the labor, the people responsible had to look for other channels that would give sufficient labor. They opted to transport people from other countries since such countries had surging populations. In the end, they landed to take Africans as they were regarded as less volatile and violent. Similarly, the Africans were not advanced and did not have the technological know-how to fight back. There was little opposition from Africans in regard to slaver and forced deportation to other countries. This was due to the stringent measures that were indulged by the overseeing countries. The developing countries had invested a large amount of cash in the economy and had to increase the operation. However, the operational costs were increasing with each passing day. To make the operational costs to reduce, these countries had to reduce their expenditure, especially in regard to resource development. In averting the costs and expenditure, the countries opted for cheap labor. Since their current population was earning a lot higher, there was need for an external solution to such a problem. The countries reverted to importing slaves that would give cheap labor. The countries explored African states and other states in search of the cheap labor, which was quite successful. In the end, the countries had more resources in terms of labor while reducing their costs in manufacturing and production. There are several issues that were emerging in regard to slavery and forced labor, especially in the countries that were concerned. To begin with, there are a number of deaths that were resulting from the slavery. There are some slaves that did not adapt to the climate of the new countries. It is evident that people who do not adapt to change in climate will always have difficulty in living. In the end, there were many people who died due to disease manifestation and allergic reactions. The people in Virginia were forced to increase their working hours in their region to ensure that there was increased performance especially in the economic production and development. There was shifting of the slaves from place to place, making them to encounter newer and harsh conditions with different environments. Subsequently, they had to put up with such conditions, resulting to adverse health conditions. In the end, they developed health conditions, making their lives a struggle. This resulted to deaths and repetitive diseases since they could not get better treatment. This was an effect that drastically reduced the population of Virginia in the United States. Secondly, there were a number of people who died as a result of exhaustion, fatigue and lack of sleep. The slaves in Virginia were required to work for longer hours to ensure they performed well in their duties. The countries n charge needed to increase their production from the slaves, making them to work even harder. With such treatment, it was obvious that the people who were involved had little chances of survival. Apparently, many died while working for the slave countries.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Change the Culture of an Organisation Essay Example for Free
Change the Culture of an Organisation Essay The culture of an organization can be defined by the ‘way they do things’, this means the way they make decisions, operate and how they choose and achieve their objectives. As culture is a set of values and practices, changing it may be difficult and a long process, especially if the change is organized by a new chief executive. Changing the culture of an organization may not be easy especially if the new chief executive does not fully understand the previous culture and therefore does not embrace it in the change. This lack of knowledge may result in an inappropriate culture being chosen that could limit the company’s performance as productivity reduces. An example of a badly imposed culture can been seen with the Chrysler and Damier-Benz merge in 1998. Damier-Benz imposed their traditional and structured German culture on the free-spirited American car company Chrysler. The extremely different cultures created tension that later affected their efficiency as decision-making took longer and the workforce were not happy. The inappropriate culture resulted in a loss of $1.5 billon by 2006. In 2011, the new chief executive of Tesco, Phillip Clarke, also made a cultural change which proved unsuccessful. He proposed a strategy to change Tesco’s brand image to be known for â€Å"highly valued brands†as opposed to their cheaper â€Å"Value†products. The decrease in popular promotion deals such as vouchers and meal deals reduced their sales revenue and share value which fell by 15% by the end of 2011. This suggests that Clarke failed to identify Tesco’s main source of competitively. Therefore, both examples show that cultural changes may be difficult as the new chief executives lack knowledge and experience in the company. Culture change also takes a long time, especially as traditions and values are set. A prime example of this is with Sony. Sony is a Japan-based company who prides themselves in adopting a traditional Japanese business culture. Examples of their culture can be seen with their clear line of authority and their strong belief in respect. However, Sony’s reducing performance and the fast changing world alarmed the new chief executive, Howard Stringer, to change the culture to one that embraces change. Although proposals to change the culture were made in 2007, Sony’s culture has still not fully transformed which is reflected in their still low competitively. Therefore, it may still take some time for Sony to fully embrace an innovative culture as their Japanese culture has largely influenced the organization. It also took a long time for Marks & Spencer to introduce higher levels of technology, such as a stock control system, as they are said to have a ‘backward culture’. This is because they don’t embrace change and are led by system and procedures. These examples provide evidence that change in a business’s culture may not be done quickly as the organization is accustomed to the previous culture. However, changing a company’s culture can be easy if the new chief executive conducts the change in an appropriate manner. As culture change will have a direct impact on stakeholders, it is important for the new chief executive to inform all stakeholders of the changes and to also encourage feedback. The loss of the innovative leader of Apple, Steve Jobbs created much anxiety about the new CEO Tim Cook. Stakeholders feared Cook would change the company and reject all Jobbs practices especially as the two leaders have different personalities. The media worsened the situation with continuous negative press coverage which resulted in a decrease in consumer confidence as well as Apple’s share price. Although Jobbs had planned to make some strategic changes to the company’s practices, he reassured stakeholders by stating that â€Å"Apple will not change†. He also identified these new strategies and their benefits in a press release which justified his decisions and satisfied stakeholders. The newfound trust of stakeholders will enable Apple’s cultural change to be easier and happen more quickly. In view of the above, I believe that it is not easy to change the culture of a business, as the current practices are custom to the organization; this also suggests that the change will be quite a process and therefore won’t be done quickly. This situation is worsened as the chief executive is new and won’t have the necessary knowledge and understanding of the business to enable a smooth and quick transition. However, the ability for the new chief executive to change the business’s culture quickly and easily is highly dependant upon the reaction of the stakeholders. For example, BP’s customers may react positively as the new culture will increase the company’s responsiveness to customers. Shareholders may also react positively as the increase of innovation should increase BP’s competitive advantage which could increase the company’s value and share price. However, the increase in innovation may pose a threat the employees as management will expect higher quality and the need for more qualified personnel may be necessary. Therefore, support from stakeholders will encourage an easier and quickly transformation whereas negativity will not. The skills of the workforce is also important as if they are innovative the cultural change will happen faster. However, Sony is in a creative industry and their strategy to increase innovation still took a long time. This suggests that attitudes and beliefs of the workforce are also important. An easy change is also depend upon the new executives approach, is it forceful or flexible? Damier-Benz’s forceful approach result in a large amount of tension that slowed the change and resulted in a financial loss. Change the Culture of an Organisation. (2017, Feb 04).
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Cultural impact of globalization Research Paper
Cultural impact of globalization - Research Paper Example This has caused significant impact on people’s economic, social, technological, political and cultural aspects. This paper focuses on the cultural effect that globalization has had in the modern world appreciating culture as way humans exist in a community expressed through different forms of their lives. The focus would be on how globalization has caused the emergence of new global professions, pop culture and global village. It would also discuss the effect of globalization on political culture and enhancing cultural liberty, giving the challenges that have limited the influence of globalization. The paper borrows from various secondary sources including articles from scholarly journals and books supported by evidence from newspaper articles. Introduction Globalization is a term that has been widely used in the modern business community worldwide and among governments, scholars and non-governmental organizations among other organizations. In many forums, participants have sought to demystify the gains and disadvantages involved in globalization. Globalization is deemed to have begun before the 1960s with the word being coined by Roland Robertson to describe the expansion of the policy of European colonies to subjugate parts of Africa and Asia and other underdeveloped countries globally (Razak 61). With the expansion of these colonial powers came the influence through language, customs, administration system, culture, law and order with the Europeans justifying their action as an act of bringing civilization to the uncivilized. Other than this historical explanation of globalization, the modern world has attached various meanings to this phenomenon. Also referred to as internalization, it describes the international exchange growth and the global interdependence of countries through adoption of liberalized economies where capital movement restrictions among countries have been withdrawn. It encompasses the free flow of news, information, people and capital from a country to another without subjection to restriction by the respective governments. The term Westernization has also been used by various scholars interchangeably with globalization to describe the replacement of pre-existing cultures in the underdeveloped countries with the Western culture. The impact of globalization is far reaching and encompasses various aspects of human social, economic, technological, environmental, health and cultural endeavors. Studies on culture largely depend on what and how definitions come about and the reasons for having these definitions, which could be used, modified or at times fall into disuse. According to Lieber and Weisberg (275), culture could be said to be the common form of life in a national community where there is a homogeneous lifestyle and value system and national identity forged through modernization or industrialization. It refers to the way of existence among humans expressed through the varied forms of life specific to communities. Just like other resources, culture is subject to the environment which dictates what should be done and what should not. As such, different people would have different cultures with different meanings; it includes belief, art, knowledge, customs, laws and morals. However, the physical environment has no effect on culture; it is the people who come up with cultural resources and control how they would be accessed. From the viewpoint of religion, ideology, history and tradition, culture would have a social function where the culture would exist as a whole in a society. Globalization has always been associated with the notion of cultural difference. With the increased appreciation of globaliza
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Three Different Type of Family Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Three Different Type of Family - Essay Example I was supposed to be at the Saudi Embassy by 11:00 o’ clock. I was in West Los Angeles. My heart was beating fast and I was immersed in perspiration beads. I feared that I might miss the opportunity to apply for the passport in time. It had taken a lot of effort to get the date for application and I could not afford missing that opportunity. I managed to reach the Saudi Embassy in ten minutes. I was pleased I was not quite late, but the staff did not cooperate with me the much I expected them to. They referred me to one another which frustrated me. Anyway, I managed to apply for the passport. I had not done the breakfast to my full and was feeling really hungry. Since morning, I had been moving here and there in frustration. I was overwhelmed with anxiety and wanted a good lunch to energize myself. I was feeling very low and was red in the face. It felt like I was having a very high blood pressure. On my way to Santa Monica, I drove across my girlfriend’s favorite pizza restaurant. Suddenly, I felt a cool breeze filling me. I wondered if love was powerful enough to make me happy at this point in my life when I was feeling very low. My blood pressure started to regulate. I decided to have the lunch, so I parked my car aside the restaurant. Even before I had entered the restaurant, I knew where I was going to sit or what I was going to order. I planned to occupy the same table where my girlfriend and I had sat the last time and order the same meal we had had then. But unfortunately, that table was already occupied by a family. There were a total of three families in the restaurant. The family occupying my table had four members in it; a father, a mother and two sons. This was the first family. It felt very much like a projection of my dream family, wherein I would have two sons from my girlfriend. The family sitting on the left of that table had two members in it. There was a man a child. The man seemed like the father and the child seemed like his son. This was the second family. To the right was another family with six people in it. There was a man and a woman that seemed like a husband and a wife. To the left of the husband were two sons. In between the husband and the wife was a one year old child, and to the right of the wife was a daughter. This was the third family. The first family was a dual parent family. The sons had their biological children with them. The second family represented single parent family. The mother had left the child’s father and had married her lover. The child had no sibling but had his biological father with him. The third family was a merging family. In between the husband and the wife was their biological child. To the right of the wife was the daughter from her previous husband. To the left of the husband were the two sons from his previous wife. The first family was a biracial family. The wife was African American whereas the husband was Caucasian American. The sons had tanned skin whi le the color of one son was darker than the other. The second and third families were uniracial in that all members belonged to the same race. In the second family, both the father and the son were Asian Americans. They seemed like Indians that had immigrated to the US. The third family was of Caucasian Americans. All family members were white. It seemed like the girl’
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Sister Carrie :: essays research papers
In August of 1889, Carrie Meeber leaves her small town to find employment in the city of Chicago. Theodore Dreiser, the author of Sister Carrie, informs the reader that, "Self-interest with her was high, but not strong. It was nevertheless her guiding characteristic.". With her youth and innocence she hopes to seek employment so that she can get and buy all the nice things that she wants. Carrie does not have any idea how hard this is going to be. When she tries to find a job, she is scared. Carrie has no skills to offer an employer, no job experience, and her clothing was of poor quality. Chicago was a large city, but society at that time did not have many job opportunities for working women. The only jobs that Carrie could possibly get were in the factories that, paid low wages, had poor working conditions, and long hours. She knew that after she paid rent to her brother-in-law, she would have very little left to buy all the beautiful things that she longed for. When Carrie took the job at the shoe factory, she did not like the hard work and considered the other women who worked there to be common. When winter arrived, Carrie got sick and stayed home from work which caused her to lose her job. On the train to Chicago, Carrie had met a traveling salesman, Charlie H. Drouet. She is impressed by the way he talks and dresses. When they meet again, Drouet is aware of her beauty and innocence and he hopes to charm and seduce her. He "lends" Carrie money to buy nice winter clothes, treats her to fine meals, takes her to the theater, and shows her the sights of Chicago. Because Carrie is young and inexperienced in the world of men, she is not wise enough to understand where all Drouet's attention is leading toward. Although she senses that the money should be given back, her desire and longing for the good things in life are so powerful that she ignores her beliefs in what is right and wrong. Unable to find another job, Carries is forced to make a decision, returning to Wisconsin or letting Drouet keep her as his mistress. Choosing to remain with Drouet was an extraordinary decision. This went against everything society taught. It was unthinkable for any decent woman to live with a man without marriage.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Teenage Brain Term Paper
Cleve Harrison PYSCH 1030 Guerin 9 March 2013 Inside the Teenage Brain Every human being on the face of the earth went through those fun, party filled teenaged years. During this time most everyone experienced mostly the same awkward moments. The time when teens feel they know everything, and are an adult. How is this explained and how does brain development explain how and what we learn? In a PBS documentary â€Å"Inside the Teenage Brain†by Sarah Sparks this is explained in a great amount of information. Did you know that during the teenage years, this is when the most development occurs?People often wonder why it seems like their teens have been invaded by another body or why their baby suddenly wants to be separate from them. A study done by Dr. Jay Giedd who ran a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) on his own son shows some of the difference. An MRI is a magnetic field used to excite the atoms in the body and the energy emitted by these atoms is used to construct a compute r-generated picture of the brain. (Pastorino) The MRI was used to show stages of the brain over time from early childhood into the teen years and comparing that with images from an adult brain to show what the differences were.One of the biggest finds in the brain development of the teenage years was the fact that that frontal cortex of the brain takes on the image of a babies brain right before a child turns to their teenage years. This sort of â€Å"growth spurt†is responsible for a wave of over-thinking mainly due to the level of thickness in the gray matter or thinking part of the brain. (Sparks) As humans age the gray matter thickens and the executive part of the brain is formed during the teenage years. This is due to the neural connections in the frontal cortex of the brain as they are larger in a teen’s brain than in the normal adult.This also is where the stages of pruning begin. This gives the brain shape for future strengths of what is learned. For example if you come from a family of mechanics and you are constantly under the hood of a car you are more likely to have a strength in fixing an engine or have a more natural lean towards that, instead of say cooking. (Sparks) Another aspect to explore is the characteristics of the brain during the teenage years. Most teens need nine and a quarter hours of sleep each night to be vivid enough to start their school day.This study shows that most teens get an average of about seven and a half hours of sleep instead. (Sparks) Part of the reason for this as the events going around in the teens life, this is the discovery period of video games, late night television and when the brain tends to kick in more in teens and gives them a â€Å"second wind†instead of allowing sleep. The program shows that teens who get more sleep, primarily REM sleep, tend to have better functions than those who get less. One of the major characteristics of development is the interior prefrontal part of the bra in.In teens this has less function than in adults, but the flip side to this is the emotional region of the brain in teens is more active than that of adults. This explains why teens have baby like tantrums if they don’t get their way or we hear the infamous grow up or act your age from parents to their children. Other aspects in the characteristics include the cerebellum of the brain. The cerebellum changes the most in teens, this gives teens the ability to coordinate their thoughts into cohesive and understanding sources.This is also the reason teens are more likely to experience more with drugs and alcohol as this is the time when curiosity gets the best of people in their adolescent stages. (Sparks) In some states, an attempt to get teens the full recommended sleep has led to a later school start. In Minnesota, school starts a full hour later than it used to begin. While this has led to more attentive students in the first part of the classes it has also began to affect e xtracurricular activities which are also very important in the development of teens. This also affects family time.Given all the new findings adults are learning better ways and more understanding ways to relate. Teens want relationships with their parents and want them to ask if something is wrong and have open discussions with them. Kids want more one on one time instead of feeling like they are being forgotten or ignored as children. This study has shown that teens who have a better relationship with their parents tend to fair better in society and develop better. While teens still want some form of independence, they still want the reliance that is there for them if the need it with their parents. (Sparks)Growing up we all have experienced the ups and downs and the fun that is being a teenage. From the awkward start of puberty through the first driving experiences it is easy to understand why we were all so rebellious. For me, being very close to my mother and not so much to my father it was a little different. Being one of twins and with a sister ten years older than me it was almost like being a generation apart. During my teenage years my father had my brother in the tobacco field while I was at home with mom and have a more care-like nature about me. During my teen years I fought more with my mother, while still staying close to my father.Whereas my brother was out doing regular teenage stuff, experimenting with drugs, alcohol and having sex. During my teen years extracurricular activities were very my teen stuff. I was a band nerd, journalist and part of the student government and enjoyed my after school time. While looking back I wish I had been more sports active for more social skills I grew up with that yearning to learn. Being close to my parents in my teenage years allowed me to shape my future. I took care of my parents at the close of their lives while my brother was more secluded and off to his own not knowing how to deal with what was happen ing.I am happy to have had the experience as a teen of growing and learning more from my parents and family than doing the party thing. The learning experience from the PBS Special is invaluable. Learning why and how we all react as teens gives hindsight to everything experienced. The good, the bad and that embarrassing. Works Cited Pastorino, Ellen, and Susann Doyle-Portillo. What Is Psychology? 3rd ed. Australia: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2006. Print. Sparks, Sarah. â€Å"Inside the Teenage Brain. †PBS. PBS, 09 Mar. 2002. Web. 09 Mar. 2013.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The Comprehensive School Counseling Program - 1664 Words
The Comprehensive School Counseling Program Notebook which follows the ASCA National Model third edition was created in School Counseling Programs. This notebook is divided into four components as directed by the comprehensive school counseling program: foundation, delivery, management, and accountability. The Foundation section includes my core beliefs, my vision, my mission, rationale, description, and goals of the program at Mountain Home Junior School. Delivery, Management, and Accountability (AR 1.2). The Delivery System is comprised of the school guidance curriculum, individual student planning, responsive services, and system support. The delivery component also involves direct and indirect counseling services (AR1.2). The Management System consists of management agreements, advisory council information, use of data, action plans, use of time, and calendars. We learned the importance and how to manage our counseling program using data collection, assessments and reporting tools (AR1.2). Finally, the Accountability System includes results reports, impact over time, and performance standards. Data analysis, program results, and evaluation and improvement are all a focus for this component. This component helps the counselors justify programs of change to assistance student achievement. The ASCA National Model School supports the counselor in the implementation of the comprehensive program. . Integrating Standard into Practice Standard 1 – possess theShow MoreRelatedA Comprehensive School Counseling Program905 Words  | 4 PagesFoundation A comprehensive school counseling program is needed to function effectively in the service of children with respect to race, gender, age, socioeconomic status, social/personal development and academics. 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